HELP NEPAL Network | Rajkuleswor Basic Secondary School
HELP NEPAL Network has been coordinating and supporting the reconstruction of the Rajkuleshwor Basic School diligently. Despite technical and socio-political hurdles, HeNN’s effort towards the reconstruction of this school is advancing rapidly.
Rajhity Society, Dolakha is leading the reconstruction of Rajkuleshwor Basic School in Bhimeswor Municipality-02, Dolakha with the financial support from Help Nepal Network, Kathmandu. As per the approved design, the school will be constructed blending the local architecture and modern technologies, making it compatible with the local traditions and culture. Since major structural works are completed, currently, the school reconstruction work achieved around 90% physical progress as estimated by the civil engineer.
This school construction is a holistic reconstruction approach, meaning that the package includes school buildings with water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities, library facilities, playgrounds, compounding or fencing, and necessary furniture. This is expected to meet most of the infrastructural, material and physical needs of the school, and will enhance the teaching and learning environment. This will ultimately contribute towards ensuring children’s fundamental right to basic education.
The reconstruction of the school was formally inaugurated on 15/11/2073 by laying the foundation stone by the honorable ex-tourism and aviation Minister Mr. Ananda Prasad Pokhrel. Subsequently, the actual work began from Shrawan, 2074.
While there is much to celebrate and take pride in our progress, the school reconstruction does face major challenges. The current COVID-19 pandemic, a shortage of construction materials and technical human resources, and poor road conditions for the transportation of materials are significant obstacles that have decelerated the progress towards the school reconstruction. With that being said, regular visits and support from HELP NEPAL Network has not only been crucial to check the quality of the school but also motivation for the entire team to skyrocket this project forwards.