MaHa tour the US in Support of HeNN
June–July 2006
Help Nepal Network USA successfully completed the MaHa US Tour – a month-long fund-raising event with famous comedian duo Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bamsha Acharya supported by Prem Raja Mahat, Kiran KC, Narendra Kansakar, Pooja Chand and Yaman Shrestha.
MaHa captivated the Nepali audience in the US with prahasans “Abhinandan” and “Sharaddha.” The viewers described the program as very sophisticated and relevant to the current situation in Nepal.
After each show, the audience lined up for autographs and photo opportunities with the superstars. Many were touched by documentary “HeNN in Action” that preceded the show.
The documentary highlighted HeNN’s missions and achievements and the cumulative power of small donations collected from Nepalese diasporas around the world. MaHa also praised Help Nepal Network for helping the needy people in Nepal and appealed the audience to do the same by contributing at least a dollar a month. Hari Bamsha appealed to the audience –
HeNN would like to extend our gratitude to MaHa Sanchar for helping in our efforts to raise funds for a 13-bed health post in Haripurwa VDC in Sarlahi and to promote Help Nepal Network in the US. The tour raised a net amount of $25,447.44 after expenses. Out of this, $14, 686.49 was paid to MaHa Sanchar and the artists; and $10,760.90 was set aside for the health post.
HeNN is very grateful to all the organizations mentioned here for their help in making this tour a grand success – San Francisco (Motherland of Nepal), Denver (Rocky Mountain Friends of Nepal), Dallas (Nepalese Society Texas), Boston (Greater Boston Nepalese Community), New York City (Xavier’s and Mary’s Alumni, and Ridgewood Nepalese Society), Washington DC (RP Entertainment), Baltimore (Baltimore America Nepali Association), Connecticut (Nepal Association of New England), and North Carolina (Nepal Center of North Carolina).
Special thanks to HeNN-USA members Prerana Shrestha (New York) and Navin Dhakal (Baltimore) for their leadership in organizing the events at their respective cities.