A) Opening a New Chapter:
- To discuss the possibility of opening a new chapter, please write to admin@helpnepal.net.
- HELP NEPAL Network (HeNN) has a ‘one country, one chapter’ policy. Thus, a separate chapter in a country where HeNN chapter already exists will not be entertained. However, Coordination Team(s) within a country in different cities or states will be welcome (please refer to section ‘B’ below).
- New chapter will be expected to have a structured group (eg. President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Treasurer etc.)
- HeNN is a purely non-political, non-religious charitable organisation and all the executive members are expected to have a selfless motivation, dedication and sustained interest towards charitable causes in Nepal.
- All executive members should agree to
- Abide by the vision and goals of HELP NEPAL Network;
- Share the same name, logo, slogan , website and social media sites of the Network;
- Act locally and think globally to promote the vision of HeNN;
- Follow HeNN guidelines and work mechanism on all HeNN related issues;
- As far as possible, all chapters are expected to register in their respective countries as a charitable organisation.
B) Starting a Coordination Team:
- To discuss possibility of opening a coordination team, please directly contact the country chapter concerned.
- HeNN will not be registered in different states or cities separately. All the teams within a country will operate under one registration number and will have only one bank account.
- Where a number of Coordination Teams are in operation, the Country Chapter Executive Committee will be representative body of all of them.
- Coordination Teams can form local task team(s) to achieve various aims and objectives.
- Coordination Team members should also agree to
- Abide by the vision and goals of HELP NEPAL Network;
- Share the same name, logo, slogan, website and social media sites of the Network;
- Act locally and think globally to promote the vision of HeNN;
- Follow HeNN guidelines and work mechanism on all HeNN related issues.
Any activities by individual(s) or group(s) detrimental to the interest of the Network will be dealt promptly and appropriately. HeNN chapters, on the basis of a majority, will have the right to warn or remove such individual(s) or group(s) from the Network.
Communication Protocol
HeNN has established a certain way of communication within the Network and it is important for all the executive members and coordinators to abide by the communication discipline.
The Network has the HeNN-Global email group, where all the executive members and coordinators from various chapters are listed. However, all of them are NOT allowed to communicate in the Global group to avoid overflow of emails. Only a person or a couple of persons from each chapter communicate globally – they are the team leaders or senior members of the teams. If deemed necessary, leaders of specific task groups can disseminate relevant information to the global team. Feedback is provided through proper channel.
To avoid unnecessary arguments and extended debates in the Global group, each chapter will have to iron out differences on any controversial issue before circulating their views to the Network. This means, one chapter will have only one view on issues where opinions differ. If different chapters are not able to sort out the controversy through email communication, they may choose to hold a teleconference as and when necessary. In any case, the Network holds teleconference from time to time to discuss important issues.
We share good news globally but try to sort out problems locally. Extreme care is taken to maintain positive approach and tone in all kinds of communication.
Apart from HeNN Global email groups, each country chapter have their separate Country Chapter email groups (eg. HeNN UK, HeNN Australia, HeNN USA etc). They include country executive members and coordinators. They do not include general contributors to the charity. General members are informed about the Network’s activities through quarterly Newsletters and periodic updates of our webstie, www.helpnepal.net. Unlike the HeNN Global group, all executive members/coordinators take part in discussions in Country Chapter groups. Again, extreme care is taken to maintain the positive tone and general respect in all kinds of communication.
Communication relating to individuals or individual chapters, are done directly with them, unless it is something entire Network needs to know. For example, there is no point of circulating the whole thread of communication to the HeNN Global group if HeNN Sweden and HeNN Nepal are discussing about a particular issue. Only the final outcome of the issue, if considered necessary, can be circulated to HeNN Global.
The Network has maintained the communication discipline very well and expects support and understanding in this regard from all the new joiners.