Fund raise to support Jajarkot Earthquake
Earthquake hit Nepal – Nepal has been struck by a devastating 6.4 magnitude earthquake just before midnight on Friday, November 4, 2023. The quake affected the remote villages of north-west part of Nepal. Already more than 150 people have lost their lives and the death toll is rising. Health Centres and Hospitals are overcrowded and are running out of emergency supplies. Peoples are treated on the streets. This has brought severe destruction of residential dwellings and infrastructure and heavy loss of lives in Jajarkot and in surrounding remote villages of north-west Nepal. Help Nepal Network –Australia (HeNN-Australia) is a registered charitable organization and a member of global chariatble network Help Nepal Network. As a Nepali diaspora we are deeply connected to Nepal both emotionally and physically and the Nepali community is overwhelmed by the devastation caused by this natural disaster. HeNN Australia has launched an appeal to generate some funds to help victims in Nepal. Your support and generous donation for the earthquake victims of Nepal will go towards helping victims to meet their immediate need for medicines, food and hygiene products. Thank you again for your offer of assistance and support during this difficult time.
Sincerely yours,
Help Nepal Network Australia Team www.helpnepal.net